De-Pave Park

Alameda, California

City of Alameda

Associated Firm
CMG Landscape Architecture

CPD Members
Pamela Conrad

Project Team
Carlson, Barbee & Gibson Inc, RMA Irrigation, ENGEO, H.T. Harvey & Associates, ESA, McGuire & Hester, Moffatt & Nichol

2020 – Ongoing

25 acres

Construction Cost
$15 million

Image Credit
CMG Landscape Architecture

The De-Pave Park project transforms a neglected former naval tarmac into a vibrant waterfront space in Alameda. Situated in a diverse and underserved community, this initiative addresses the community’s desire for more recreational opportunities while reconnecting ecological systems, including existing wetlands separated from the bay.

The urgency of preserving shoreline wetlands in the San Francisco Bay is underscored by the threat of rising sea levels. De-Pave Park offers a beacon of hope, demonstrating how parklands can be strategically planned to foster future wetlands. By recognizing landscapes as transitional and allowing natural processes to shape them, this project serves as a blueprint for creating resilient waterfront environments.

Decarbonization plays a pivotal role in the De-Pave Project, achieved largely through the innovative “De-pave” approach, repurposing existing materials to reduce carbon emissions. This initiative is projected to offset its own carbon footprint within just four years, exemplifying its commitment to environmental stewardship and community resilience.

By recycling 100% of existing site materials, De-Pave Park converts a vast paved airstrip into an ecologically biodiverse oasis that incorporates strategies outlined in a Sea Level Rise (SLR) adaptation plan. This community-driven project exemplifies a forward-thinking, climate positive approach to design.

De-Pave Park
De-Pave Park
De-Pave Park
De-Pave Park
De-Pave Park
De-Pave Park
De-Pave Park