San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program

San Francisco, California

Port of San Francisco, CH2M / Arcadis

Associated Firm
CMG Landscape Architecture

CPD Members
Pamela Conrad

Project Team
The CH2M/Arcadis/Jacobs team, SITELAB Urban Studio

2017 – Ongoing

7.5 miles

Image Credit
CMG Landscape Architecture

The San Francisco Waterfront holds a significant place in the city’s history and character, yet its future faces challenges from earthquakes and rising sea levels. As part of a diverse team including engineers, urban designers, planners, and public engagement specialists, Pamela Conrad was actively engaged in envisioning a more resilient waterfront. The city’s aging seawall, crucial for supporting historic piers, stabilizing the shoreline, and safeguarding critical infrastructure, is particularly vulnerable to these threats. The impacts of sea level rise and seismic risks extend far beyond the waterfront, affecting communities, infrastructure, transportation networks, public spaces, and ecologies throughout the city.

Led by the Port of San Francisco, the Waterfront Resilience Program addresses urgent life safety upgrades and infrastructure enhancements to counter the combined challenges of sea level rise and seismic risks. This program aims to safeguard this vital public resource and ensure an equitable transition for future generations of Bay Area residents and visitors. By repairing, modifying, or replacing the seawall and associated infrastructure, the Waterfront Resilience Program strives to enhance safety, minimize damage, and improve the overall environment by incorporating low-carbon Nature-Based Solutions along the waterfront.

San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program
San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program