Image Credit: Treasure Island Development Group

Treasure Island
Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan

San Francisco, California

Treasure Island Community Development

Associated Firm
CMG Landscape Architecture

CPD Members
Pamela Conrad

Project Team
BKF Engineers, AGS Engineers Joint Venture, Freyer & Laureta, ENGEO, Moffatt & Nichol, and many more

2002 – Ongoing

393 acres

The Sea Level Rise (SLR) Adaptation Plan for Treasure Island encompasses various measures, including elevating sites and preserving existing edges in areas with historical significance. Additionally, it allocates extensive park space setbacks (over 300 acres) along the edges to facilitate future adaptation alongside new developments. In the island’s lowest areas, it establishes a framework for water migration inland over time in the “Wilds” habitat zone. This plan served as the catalyst for the Bay Plan Amendment, which shapes current regional policies for SLR adaptation, reflecting extensive community engagement and city collaboration.

The landscape design integrates natural parks with innovative urban spaces, featuring promenades and bike paths that promote circulation, a pedestrian-friendly environment, and capitalizes on the site’s scenic surroundings. It embodies a contemporary landscape ethos, socially active, environmentally progressive, well-crafted, and deeply rooted in its unique island setting in the middle of the Bay. The redevelopment of Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island presents a significant opportunity to pioneer innovation in sustainable infrastructure – including on-site water treatment, habitat management, and socially oriented landscapes.

Treasure Island - Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan
Image Credit: CMG Landscape Architecture
Treasure Island - Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan
Image Credit: CMG Landscape Architecture
Treasure Island - Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan
Image Credit: CMG Landscape Architecture
Treasure Island - Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan
Image Credit: CMG Landscape Architecture
Treasure Island - Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan
Image Credit: CMG Landscape Architecture
Treasure Island - Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan
Image Credit: CMG Landscape Architecture
Treasure Island - Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan
Image Credit: CMG Landscape Architecture
Treasure Island - Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan
Image Credit: Climate Positive Design
Treasure Island - Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan
Image Credit: Climate Positive Design
Treasure Island - Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan
Image Credit: Climate Positive Design
Treasure Island - Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan
Image Credit: Treasure Island Development Group